Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Smooth with a capital SMOO

So, the other day my roomie asked me about making our own body scrub as hers is running out and it's freakishly expensive here. So being the good Googletarian (a word I just made up) I looked it up online and did some (cursory) research which led me to combine a few approaches into the following.

1. Get a handful of coarse sugar and put it in a cup or something.
2. Add a tablespoon of baking soda
3. Add your shower gel
4. Mix it around with your finger, forgetting to get your clothes off first so you then are left with a very soapy finger and have to find a way to get that off before disrobing.
5. Shower and then scrub it all over until you're no longer covered in winter-gross skin


Things I'm going to do to make this even better: Get some lemon grass and then stick it in a jar full of the sugar/soda mixture to be added in small batches to my totally boring and scentless soap.

Next thing I need to figure out is how to make my own SoyJoy bars because a)they're too small for a real breakfast, and b)they almost all have raisins in them and ew, I hate raisins. Anyone with any suggestions, bring it.

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